VOTS Spring 2018, photo by Quan Nguyen

Fall Mixed League 2021 ~ Teams

VOTS-oween 2021

All photos courtesy Stephen So.

The team Social Disc-tancing in costume.
Social Disc-tancing, the winners of the Best Team Costume (Monday) in their PJ Masks
Players Bennet, Libby, and Ranger in costume.
Bennet (Ted Lasso), Monday winner Libby (Darla) and Ranger (Spiderman)
The team Back in Black in costume.
Back In Black as Conference Call Bingo
The team Grape To Be Back in costume.
Grape To Be Back being grape!

Player Joe in costume.
Dragon Joe
Player Paul in costume.
Pirate Paul,
Winner of Best Individual Costume (Wednesday)
Player Tricky in costume.
Tricky, the Rodeo Clown
Player Adam in costume.
Adam as Waluigi
Keith as Perry the Platypus, Owen and Sophie as Pokémon backup.

captains are in bold
MIP: Most Improved Player, MVP: Most Valuable Player

Monday Teams

Welcome Back Kutters

Sabrina Roberts
Tim Streit

MIP: Auriel Udall
MVP: Cheyenne Lopez

Anthony Acer
Justin Gries
Kara Horowitz
Erik Lindstrom
Cheyenne Lopez
Ken Mayer
Chris Morgan
Justin Nichols
Kayli Nichols
Ty Sessions
Matt Stoloff
Ed Tsai
Nick Tunison
Auriel Udall
Dustin Udall

Back 4 Blood

Allyson Pacini
Logan Waskiewicz

MIP: Madison Clark
MVP: Nick Kelly

Keith Aspinall
Madison Clark
Jared Connors
Kaetlynn Daoust
Jacob Dixon
James James
Kris Kaufman
Nick Kelly
Eliza Laden Mauro
Dean Nelson
Christian Toland
Brandon Varney
Mason Varney
Tatum Varney
Kelly Waskiewicz

Guac Block Party

Jeff Budd
Devon Marmaro

MIP: Kathryn Fox
MVP: Carlos Diaz

Kyle Davis
Carlos Diaz
Jack Dupee
Kathryn Fox
Ned Garinger
Robbie Gerdes
Trent Hoffman
Nathan Holzinger
Savannah Jobman
Sean Levine
Sherri Mankofsky
Tyler Mebane
Travis Neville
Joe Svitak
Ashley White

Social Disc-tancing

Daniel Deming
Elizabeth Deming

MIP: Anthony Rice
MVP: Rob Ozdoba

Katie Campbell
Maggie Corbett
Chris Dolan
Jake Hadziev
Dalton Heppler
Caleb Lundeen
Erin Maki
Brian Miller
Robert Ozdoba
Darren Page
Lisa Pense
Anthony Rice
Nicholas Rossiter
Anthony Ryan
Josh Steiner

Big Fun

Dan Brauch
Tess Hoerle

MIP: Joel Burkhalter
MVP: Cami McIntire

Joe Blidy
Daniel Blumenfeld
Joel Burkhalter
Tim Camper
Bennett Christoffersen
Randy Collins
Scott Fike
David Khoo
Noelle Kiesz
Michael Ku
Cami Mcintire
Soliz Perez Rivera
John Peterson
Adam Sprintz
Alicia Wideman

Code Blue

Ian McNamara
Jax Salustro

MIP: Zach Taylor
MVP: Greg Scalia

Lauren Berg
William Christensen
Curtis Cook
Dustin Doyle
Randy Hade
Elliott Hawks
Dillon McCutcheon
Eric Nabity
Katherine Nabity
Libby Salisburyl
Greg Scalia
Jody Sheets
Zachary Taylor
Alan Tinsley
Marnie Wong

Wednesday Teams

Back in Black

Joanne Aspinall
Graham Ray

MIP: Joseph Banzon
MVP: Paul Olvera

Lisa Acierno
Amber Armstrong
Joseph Banzon
Sammy Bowns
Dylan George-Sills
Chris Humphrey
Sean Keeney
Brandon Kimmich
Tim Macke
Paul Olvera
Brian Parma
Eric Reif
Michael Rivera
Laura Tan
Ed Wehrwein

Nice to D You Again

Ryan Blackman
Ashley Stahl

MIP: Kena Fedorschak
MVP: Ryan Millecam

Jonathan Allred
Ben Cofer
Nick DiPadova
Kena Fedorschak
Johnnie Haley
Jess Heighway
Leigh Honzatko
Miles Millecam
Ryan Millecam
Gretchen Pearl
Nicholas Rodeck
Stephen So
Tom Studer
Evan Yamada
Chase Young

Wash Your Handlers

Trevor Buhr
Jamie Johns

MIP: Andrew Nguyen
MVP: Cassie Cox

Brent Armstrong
Marcus Bowers
Samuel Clow
Cassie Cox
Austin Dickman
Lauren Dickman
Joe Durling
Sam Green
Ben Holt
Andrew Kelley
Andrew Nguyen
Stefanie Nguyen
Brad Ormsby
Caitlen Richison
Cynthia Thomas
Connor Vincent

Grape To Be Back

Sam Kling
Logan Martin

MIP: Judah Lee
MVP: Dan Braude

Megan Anderson
Elizabeth Barry
Adam Braude
Dan Braude
Joel Collingwood
Scott Foss
Nicole George
Jeremy Harris
Chikara Kakizawa
Jacob Kuna
Judah Lee
David Lyon
Kay Powell
Conner Propst
Andre States

Vaxxed, Waxed, and Ready for Stacks

Kelsey Bradley
Mark Regan

MIP: Sean Guimond
MVP: Adam Wiechman

Brenda Eden
Justin Gardner
Laura Gilbert
Sean Guimond
Zaynab Hassan
John Kay
Colby Nielsen
Kimbyl Nielsen
Cody Pretzer
Michael Sellers
Andy Shurson
Andrew Trichak
Alex Wendt
Adam Wiechman
Jacob Williams

Return of the Mack

Emma Ressler
Michael Simeone

MIP: Autumn Watt
MVP: Tymur Vidyakin

Dan Alexander
Adam Gaboury
Mike Hann
Sarah Hoffmann
Katie Kelly
Brad Kutler
Rebecca McCune
Michael McGrath
Vick Mehta
Mike Schwartz
Vincent Touhey
Taylor Vanoosbree
Tymur Vidyakin
Autumn Watt
Chase Weldy

Subject to change.