Playoffs were Saturday, April 26th at Scottsdale Sports Center. Playoffs consisted of a single bracket of 16 with consolation games. Food and drinks during semis and finals!
For capping purposes, a point is considered to begin immediately after the preceding goal is scored.
Finish the current point. The game is over unless it's a tie.
If the game is tied, play one more point.
If the lights go out before a game is officially over, the game will end immediately. If the disc is in the air when the lights go out and it is caught in the dark in the end zone for a score, it will count. In any other situation, the game will immediately end even if it is mid-point. If the game is tied, the game will be scored as a tie.
3 timeouts per game, max 2 per half
After softcap horn blows, no timeouts
No timeouts in hardcap
No subs in a timeout
If you have any questions, please contact LD Dave Abdoo.