Congratulations to the Champions:
MonStars (Open I)
Mt. Lemmon Party (Open II)
Old Kali (Women's)
The official New Year Fest Program and Schedule (Updated 1/26) have been posted!
Of Note:
New Year Ultimate Fest 34 will be held at Phoenix Reach 11 Sports Complex.
The party will again be held at the tournament hotel, Plaza Inn & Suites/Comfort Inn Phoenix North, on Saturday evening!
Plaza Inn & Suites/COMFORT INN PHOENIX NORTHAddress: 2641 W. Union Hills Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85027 |
Rates for Ultimate players reserving rooms:
Cut-off date for reservations is Jan. 15th. Reservation must be made by 12:00 midnight the day before the cut-off date.
If your team wants to take advantage of the hotel deal, reservations must be done over the phone by calling Erica Montoya of The Comfort Inn Phoenix North at (602) 978-2222 ext. 512, Monday through Friday during normal business hours, and explaining you would like to make reservations as part of the ultimate frisbee tournament.
The two nearest emergency rooms are: