VOTS Spring 2018, photo by Quan Nguyen

"Instant Runoff League" 2021 (Tues) ~ Rules


We will play by the USA Ultimate's 2020-21 Rules. For specifics on these rules, you can visit USAU's Rules Page.

League Specific Rules

VOTS 2021 Return to Play Agreement (Updated 6/3/21)

In order to protect our fellow members and guests, as well as to satisfy requirements for field usage, the Valley of the Sun Ultimate Association (VOTS) has adopted rules and guidelines relating to COVID-19. Following these rules and guidelines is a requirement to participate in VOTS events. Failure to adhere to them is grounds for removal from VOTS events.

  1. Attendees will self-screen for symptoms on the day of the VOTS event, prior to arrival, and will not attend if currently or previously symptomatic or tested positive for COVID-19 until meeting Home-Isolation-Guidance.
  2. Attendees will follow the Maricopa County Dept. of Public Health Quarantine Guidance for Household and Close Contacts including the provision for people not fully vaccinated who live in the same home or were in close contact (within 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes or physical contact) with someone with COVID-19 being asked not to attend for 14 days after last contact with the person with COVID-19.
  3. Anyone with symptoms or a positive COVID test are subject to those quarantine guidelines.
  4. People are considered fully vaccinated only 14 days after the final dose of a vaccine series.
  5. In order to protect children and other vulnerable populations, masks are still encouraged for unvaccinated individuals.
  6. In order to protect children and other vulnerable populations, social distancing should be maintained when possible. While on the same sideline, teams should continue to try to spread out as much as practical. Close team huddles should still be avoided. High fives, hugs and similar contact should still be avoided. Social gatherings before and after the game should still maintain social distancing.



Time Caps


Pull Rule

If disc lands on the playing field (or end zone)

If disc lands out (player has following options)

  1. call middle (if disc goes out the side in FRONT of the brick line) - take disc to the middle at the point where the disc last crossed the perimeter line
  2. call brick (if disc goes out anywhere BEHIND the brick line) - take the disc to the middle at the brick line (15 yards)
  3. play from the closest spot on the playing field proper (not the end zone) to where the disc last went out
    • side line if in front of the end zone
    • closest front corner if behind the end zone and went out the side
    • straight up to the line if it goes out the back

If disc lands in and ROLLS out

Game Schedule

Subject to change.