VOTS Spring 2018, photo by Quan Nguyen

Fall League 2020 ~ Rules


We will play by the USA Ultimate's 2020-21 Rules. For specifics on these rules, you can visit USAU's Rules Page.

League Specific Rules

COVID-19 Rules and Guidelines (Updated 10/26/20)

In order to protect our fellow members and guests, as well as to satisfy requirements for field usage, the Valley of the Sun Ultimate Association (VOTS) has adopted rules and guidelines relating to COVID-19. Following these rules and guidelines is a requirement to participate in VOTS events. Failure to adhere to them is grounds for removal from VOTS events.

  1. Attendees will self-screen for symptoms on the day of the VOTS event, prior to arrival, and will not attend if currently or previously symptomatic or tested positive for COVID-19 until meeting Release from Isolation Guidance.
  2. Attendees will follow the Maricopa County Dept. of Public Health Quarantine Guidance for Household and Close Contacts including the provision for those who live in the same home or were in close contact (within 6 feet for longer than 10 minutes) with someone with COVID-19 being asked not to attend for 14 days after last contact with the person with COVID-19.
  3. Attendees will sanitize hands upon arrival.
  4. All attendees must wear masks covering nose and mouth during arrival and departure and when on the sidelines or not playing in the event. Spectators must wear masks covering nose and mouth during arrival and departure and throughout the event on or in proximity to the field or sidelines.
  5. All attendees should maintain 6-foot distancing from anyone not in their household during arrival and departure as well as all times on sidelines.
  6. Game discs will be sanitized prior to the game and again at halftime if they have been used or more often if instructed by event organizers or directors.
  7. Social gatherings before and after the game are not allowed. Attendees should leave the field wearing masks after the conclusion of the game.
  8. Only one ultimate field will be placed on a soccer field. Only one team will gather on and use each opposite sideline and will stay off the opposing team’s sideline. Each team will have ample space to gather away from the opposing team and close team huddles should be avoided. High fives, hugs and similar contact should be avoided.
  9. Players are encouraged to wear a mask as much as possible and should consider pulling up a mask when marking an opponent in possession of the disc.

Gender Ratio

League registration numbers did not support a mixed league with a set gender ratio. Instead, this will be an open league with both male and female players.

Standard gender ratio for all games is 5/2 ratio.

Team in the Genzone may dictate 4/3 in any game in which EACH team meets one of these criteria:

  • Has 6 women present.
  • Has 5 women present and no more than 10 men (11 men if opponent has 6 women).
  • Has 4 women present and no more than 8 men (9 men if opponent had 6 women).

If a team is low on men, captains can try be more accommodating, while remaining fair to both teams and all players.



Time Caps


Pull Rule

If disc lands on the playing field (or end zone)

If disc lands out (player has following options)

  1. call middle (if disc goes out the side in FRONT of the brick line) - take disc to the middle at the point where the disc last crossed the perimeter line
  2. call brick (if disc goes out anywhere BEHIND the brick line) - take the disc to the middle at the brick line (15 yards)
  3. play from the closest spot on the playing field proper (not the end zone) to where the disc last went out
    • side line if in front of the end zone
    • closest front corner if behind the end zone and went out the side
    • straight up to the line if it goes out the back

If disc lands in and ROLLS out

Game Schedule

Subject to change.