A-List pool games to 13 points, Semis & Finals: 15 points
All games win by 2, Semis & Finals capped at 17
Bollywood games to 11 points, win by 2
For capping purposes, a point is considered to begin immediately after the preceding goal is scored.
A-List pool games and Bollywood games: Soft cap at 65 minutes after scheduled beginning of game. Semis & Finals: Soft cap at 80 minutes after the scheduled beginning of the game.
Add two to highest score.
Play to the lesser of 'highest + 2' or point cap.
First to that score wins (no need to win by 2).
A-List pool games and Bollywood games: Hard cap at 75 minutes after scheduled beginning of game. Semis & Finals: Soft cap at 80 minutes after the scheduled beginning of the game.
Finish the current point. The game is over unless there is a tie.
If the game is tied, play one more point.
If the lights go out before a game is officially over, the game will end immediately. If the disc is in the air when the lights go out and it is caught in the dark in the end zone for a score, it will count. In any other situation, the game will immediately end even if it is mid-point. If the game is tied, the game will be scored as a tie.
Subject to Change.
If you have any questions, please contact the LD Mike Sedillo.